A poem from the Ascension series
To Verna and Waireti,
Jan, Brad and Sheyla
One, two, go, go ,go
One, two, ego-tango
One, two, tango on the go
The egret feathers of ego
Entice, seduce
Like a jackhammer of desire
Disturbing the flow
I tango to the light
(at least I think so)
But my go is ego
I regress in my go
I regress in ego
Gotta go…
No go!
Got gotten by my ego
My ego on the go
Become gaga on the go
On the go of my ego
My ego on the go
No go
No go
“Got you”, said ego.
I forego…
I go into the no-go
I recess in the marrow
I submerge in the shadow
I search for my flow
I lie still, down below
Hard to get back in the know
But there is no need to fly solo.
Now, where do I go?