God is a cruel poet
A poem from the Strawberry π series
…because God is a brutal poet
cool and cruel
loving and jabbing
throwing a half-devoured cat
on your path
its open belly exposed
and decomposed
yet nestled so lovingly
in mosses verdant and cheery
you were walking so peacefully
and there you are stopped
aghast, not daring to cross
this pitiful piece of rot
when, suddenly
you find yourself
bathed in the light
of perfect pink clouds
blazing the sky into glory
a splendor so precise
that it cuts your breath
and you are stuck
in this moment of sharp pain
flooded in beauty
with the puddle of worms
crawling at your feet
and you know, then, you know
that you must have been
into one of God’s oxymorons
you’ve been served a verse
on the winding path
of a godly allegory
N.B. : If you liked that poem
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