Jesus is Gone; it’s November
From the songbook At the End of the Soul, Turn Right
Jesus is gone; it’s December
Gone to Saturn or Jupiter
Away from the Christmas clatter
Gone from our silly chatter
Chorus: If we could go into silence
Find in our hearts his resonance
’Cause he was here for all of us
Oh! Could Christmas just be Christmas?
Every second of every day
Hollering on His name, hurray!
Halleluja for senselessness
Church is open for Big Business
He came to heal each one of us
No color scheme, no power fuss
No border on what love can be
It all means more than a shopping spree
Oh! The hectic! Oh! The madness!
The hassle of buying endless,
Jettisonning Earth’s ressources,
Throws poor people into nothingness
Oh! Mommy! I need your love
Your tenderness, soft as a dove
Put your spending on speed limit
No iPhone, please; let us skim it!
Let’s decorate the Christmas tree
Let’s bake a big, silly cookie
Let us gather in harmony
Rediscover what peace can be