The Womb and the Word

In the beginning, there was a Word
And the Word was like a Womb
And the Word was the Womb
And they were One
Then the Word made the Womb be
And the Womb made the Word realize its existence
And then, they were apart
Yet wanting to share one another again
And so, they were
Word embraced
Womb ignited
Into the ecstasy of One
And then the Word wanted to be many
And then the Womb wanted to be many
To reunite and again be One
The Womb whirled and trembled
The Word spun and vibrated
As one entity, they moved one another
Into each other
And then there were Words, embraced
And then, there were Wombs, ignited
Pulsing, whirling, spinning, vibrating
And loving…
Loving, loving, loving, loving
Rejoicing in one, and two, and many, and One
Creating a Here and a There from nowhere
A big, mega Bang
Creating an US
A CosmUS
How did Evil emerge?
How could it be born?
Word is grand, it is pure light, it is mathematic
It is pure line.
Womb is humble, it is dark, it is powerful
It is infinite curve.
On a day when a Word got drunk with its own glory
Of his own grandeur as a spark
And resenting the precious matricial darkness
Cherishing the Word, resenting the Womb
Loving the Word, hating the Womb
And, as such, rejecting part of itself
Born as it was
Of both Word and Womb.
In some worlds, Evil is denying the Word
In some worlds, Evil is resenting the Womb
No matter.
Ascension is an embrace
Of Word and Womb
Of Womb and Word
And of the endless worlds woven in their union
The many essences of Self.