This horde that inhabits me…
A poem from the Rumbles from the Grinder series
This horde that inhabits me
Like a mad stallion
Rips my heartskin
Throbbing bite
Tears of acid and lead
This horde is yours
So hard loving you
You hurl your furious horses
Your horde with stirrups of lightning
Against your soul
And you wonder that you are tired!
You hold back your demons
all the while pushing them
And you overwhelm yourself with riddles
without measuring
what it costs me to carry you
fragile child, at arm’s length,
across the Atlantic
You ooze and I am delirious
in a burst of poetry
Your merry-go-rounds panic me, overwhelm me
volatilize me
Burn me with your madness!
Your horde against the voice,
against oneself
controbasso of the senses
against all extension
of the mind
It is the counter tenor of worries,
of your worries
Burn yourself of me!
Burn me with you!
I am strong,
but the horde is stronger than me
I love you too much, Mommy…