Deep into Night
A poem for a dissociative friend
From the Rumbles from the Grinder series

Last night, I felt you reach for me
Last night, I felt your sadness
Last night, I felt you lost into darkness
Or maybe just wandering in the alley
Of your sewing machine.
Last night, I felt you
The hundreds of little you, in you,
Wiggling your plurality
Of tiny fingers at me.
We are one, and many,
You and me.
Same as you,
And you, and you.
Your funny pirates, wicked cats,
And cherry little assassins,
Do not frighten me.
I hold them also in the gallery
Of my inner portraits
Etched on the bridge of time
Like some many one-wing albatros.
I hold you, you so many,
In me.
Note: If you like this poem,
you might like this one from the Rumbles from the Grinder series:
If I… If you…